Friday, October 16, 2009

BP10_200910_Web 2.0 tool #4

Mind maps are diagrams used to delineate words, or ideas linked to a central idea or word. These visual aids can be utilized for studying, organizations, problem solving, or writing. “Because mind mapping is more flexible than outlining, it encourages creativity” (Murley, 2009). is a free collaborative tool to create mind maps with ease. allows the user to productively create their brainstorming or organize ideas for a multitude of projects. The balloon style format allows a uniform easy to read styling. The tool is fully web based powered by flash, nothing to download. The sign up is easy and doesn’t require any extraordinary personal information.

To start all the user needs to do is press the ‘start brainstorming’ button on the home page. This button will open will start the map off with it’s “parent bubble”. To change the text, color, or location just hoover over the bubble and find the coordinating icon. For information about each icon as the user hoovers over it there is a help box on the right side that will show the information and shortcuts.

Once the user has started with a central idea, they can click for a “child bubble” for a bubble under the parent. There is also a “sibling bubble” that will appear on the same level as the parent. This is laid out like a family tree levels of hierarchy. The user can change the colors of any bubble. The bubbles can be easily moved around to fit the look the user wants.

Among the features is the ability to save the file on your account, print, or export as a jpg file. There are other free tools like but they aren’t as easy, quick or helpful. After using Dabbleboard, I would highly recommend instead.

Image is from :


Murley, D. (2009). Technology for everyone…Mind mapping complex information. Retrieved October 16, 2009 from

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