Saturday, October 3, 2009

BP3_200910_RSS feed

RSS (Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content like news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers.

Check out this great resource I've found on RSS feeds:

I've selected several RSS feeds to follow in my Google Reader account. The majority of them are about education and education technology.

TechSETS RSS feed from . TechSETS is a collection of free and low-cost technology support resources, designed to provide improved access to training, tools, and information to assist the growing number of K-12 school technologists.? I was interested in this blog because of the few posts they had up at the time I was searching Google reader. The blog centers around IT tools for educational technologies. Since I?m not a teacher this path is interesting to become involved as a future option after graduation.

EDUCAUSE NEWS from EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology.? Educause has several initiatives or programs that helps with advancing education and learning through IT with research, resources, and support. The host live events about great education topics like emerging technologies in higher education.

Education IT from ( is a part of the CBS network of companies. This series of blogs in every topic possible are all informative and a valuable resource online. Christopher Dawson who is a high school teacher in Massachusetts writes this education technology blog, he is also the technology director for his school district. He has also has held several positions at John Hopkins, and other biotech companies. Dawson writes a lot about web 2.0 information, education careers in today?s economy, and technology products.

Education Week America from I found this one in the Google reader listings and found that this blog offers a lot of posting about government in association with education. Considering that the government has a lot of influence on education and schools this is a helpful post to follow.

Education Technology from This site is part of the University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS) campus website edited by Ray Schroeder. This site is this writer?s reflection of the news he reads every morning about changing technologies, issues and developments in education, online learning and distance learning. Ray Schroeder is a professor at UIS, director of Technology-Enhanced Learning and Faculty Associate at University of Illinois Online office in Urbana. This is just one of he few blogs, I found that his posts are clear, concise and informative.

I'm also following a Music Learning blog called Listen and Learn Music. The blog is located on their website by Rachel Rambach. She is a music therapist and educator, and her writing was inspiring and full of ideas. Rachael Rambach creates educational songs to assist in the learning process. This concept began to intrigue me after our group project in EDE when one of my teammates by used music and songs in an educational way. (Thanks Billy!)

Image from Getty Images: Royalty Free

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